
The journey inward
a timeless art

through the dance of body and mind
guided by the rhythm of each breath
inhale, our spirits roam
exhale, we find our home.


Once a teacher
always a student

I'm a yoga teacher and devoted student based in London. I embrace a holistic approach to yoga, encompassing asana (posture), pranayama (breathwork), meditation, mantra chanting, and ongoing Self-inquiry and exploration.

I’m here to help you unveil the profound beauty and power of yoga. Let me be the conduit for your journey inward to discover balance and inner peace.

Practice with me


I host private one-on-one and small-group yoga sessions. These are tailored to your unique needs and circumstances, ensuring an authentic yoga experience just for you.

Workplace Wellness

I work with companies dedicated to fostering the physical and mental wellness of their employees, whether it be through regular yoga classes or as part of workplace events.

Yoga Retreats

Open up to the rich tapestry of the world and immerse yourself in new places and cultures.
For the curious and the young-at-heart, join me on transformative yoga and travel adventures.

Talk to me

Find out how we can work together to support and elevate your yoga journey. Simply submit the form below or email me directly.


Let's practice together

Let's practice together